3 factories, 3 designs, 3 color schemes - all designed to close in on a look for the final version of the factory used in-game.
As per the art style defined at our announcement on the 17th of October, the in-game factories are designed in a vector based style. This style allows for players to easily distinguish buildings from the environment, and even makes distinguishing between separate buildings simple.
The color scheme has been picked off of the colors set by the mood board for the man made color palette. To make the factories a little more interesting than a classic factory, the choice of color is set to a very bright tone. This should make up for the dull vibes that viewers usually experience when looking at an old factory in shades of grey.
Each factory has drawn-on shading to spice up the structures and adding that cartoon look to create a 3D-feeling whilst staying in the 2nd dimension.
These factories are all designed by taking a mixture of old and modern factories and drawing up key parts of these looks.
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