onsdag den 26. oktober 2016

Work in progress...

The newest addition to Corporate Quest's list of buildings, the Building Site.

The building site is used in-game as a visual representation of a non specialized building, whether it be a resource extractor or a factory. Before, for example, a Farm is built the player will put down a non specialized extractor which can be set to harvest the resource of choice.

The design for this prop follows the simple vector based graphics as the factories, and to add a bit of dimension to the building site the objects were drawn in a different 3D imitating style. Highlights and shadows work on simple structures, where as this prop incorporates several art pieces in one asset, which meant that the image contained high amounts of detail - which would be difficult to make good looking by sheer highlights and shadows.

Furthermore, the color scheme for the building site is based off of our man-made mood board look, with added colors from typical building site (orange, dirt brown and concrete).

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