onsdag den 26. oktober 2016

Prototype for Student-E3

Wednesday, 26. oktober the HiddenGames team showed off the game in a small convention of upcoming games. We brought a working demo, which we were proud to present. The demo it self only showed the most basic features of our complete game. However, putting together the hard work of the past weeks was a fulfilling experience. 
A screenshot of a simple production line
The demo we showed off had only had two resources a raw and a refined type, which left the demo only needing 2 buildings a lumber yard and a factory producing refined goods. The player can also build roads to link up different structures and letting the player sell resources to the city. Cities serve as markets where the player can sell resources to make money, in the demo we have implemented two cities to show off the size of the possible game world. 
A screenshot of alot of production lines between two cities
The demo build also came with a few features like money and camera movement. The money in the demo was quickly implemented with unblanced payments for buildings initial and maintenance costs. The camera movement of the demo is the same the full game is most likely going to ues. Camera features will be further explained in full detail later.

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