Keeping it simple...
As a way for the player to navigate the UI of Corporate Quest, the newest addition to the game is a small one, yet still terribly needed for a better user experience. Enter, the build menu icons...
The three icons designed as the visual representation of buttons on the build menu.
These icons were made as a very clear and very simple way to guide the player's mind without the use of text. Since we are working with limited space at the bottom of the screen, where the build menu is located, we purposefully wanted to avoid using text as a means of description. Therefore, a series of build menu icons were made with the sole goal of visually implicating that this button is the way to build this specific element in the game.
Their design style is based on the simple fact that every icon uses as little detail as possible to depict the essence of the structure, or concept, that you want to convey. With this in mind, every icon is made as bare-boned as possible - visualizing only the most important parts of the structure to let the brain do the rest.